The Narrow Stage - It was a marathon - all thirty three feet of the narrowboat's aisle: three shows in one evening. The first was still in daylight, the second two after dark, which was when the show really came alive. →
Where Water is its own Performance - With the story trail being previewed this weekend and ready for the public on Monday (eeek) our attention turns to the performance. Following our site visit we were able to finetune the piece to embed it to its narrowboat stage. And with the story trail episodes all in place we were also finally in the position →
Untangling the Tib - What you have above is the inner workings of our collective mind. Hmm. Step away, and be grateful you can. We’ve just had to get closer and closer to the swiggles and arrows, to comb them out and smooth out their relationship to each other. Which reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut’s description at the beginning →
Counting fifty millionths of a nanosecond… - As you already know the story for the trail is all about water... I don’t mean just water as an environment, but the threat that is facing water. And the biggest deal I think is that no one knows what the consequence is. Yes, we know seas are warming, becoming more acidic, and that obviously →
No Spoiler Alerts - With most of the story written and tallied (all of it won’t be completed until we have YOUR contributions once you’ve walked the trail) I can confidently say I would have never written this story on my own. Back in June when we first came together to discuss our interests: what we wanted from the story, →
Site Visit with Cream Tea - So off we went for a site visit to Castlefield, the narrowboat that’ll be the venue for our performance, It’s owned by the Bridgewater Heritage Boat Company who operate from Worsley, so a whole new section of the Bridgewater Canal for two of us and a whole new experience – crusing on a narrowboat – →
Falling for the Medlock - Back in the baking months of this gorgeous summer, Maya and I had a research day to follow the course of the River Medlock – find where it rose and where it sunk beneath Manchester. And for me, as an outsider to Manchester, to get a feel of the maze of culverts and open waterways →
Geocache is Go - For the purposes of this project I had my first geocaching experience. It sounded vaguely interesting: a game that involves searching for hidden containers, with the help of a hint or clue and a loose location. There are Muggles – people who aren’t geocaching, who need to remain oblivious of what you’re doing – adding →