The six geocaches created for this project are still in place in Manchester, and being found on a regular basis by local and visiting geocachers. The Zappar codes are also still in place for at least the near future, so if you are in Manchester, check the map and go and have a look.
What’s great about the geocaches is that we get messages from the people finding them – both in the paper log inside each cache, and digital logs on and Many people take the time to write a little bit about what they were doing that day, how they found the cache, whether it needs maintenance, and some very nice comments about the caches themselves and the story. Some people also upload photos. You need to be logged in to see the logs, and we know not everyone wants to do that, so here’s a selection that we’d like to share with you.
“A quick easy finish to the series for me and mum – amazingly, the GPS was in cooperative mood here, and the updated coords led us straight to where the cache was neatly tucked away . Thanks to those responsible for setting this series – I really liked the quirky containers and informative cache pages
“Found yesterday after spending the day in Manchester whilst visiting relatives. Interesting stories about the river. Loved the city. Tftc.”
“Quick find with no gps required. We liked the container decoration! must have taken some time. Interesting to see the Medlock through the crack at the end of the wall. Back in Manchester for more caches, beer and shopping. TFTC.”
“Another day in Manchester so another lunch break spent on this interesting new series. GPS was bouncing around as usual but it got me to an area where I could have a look around guided by the hint. Soon spotted somewhere suspicious… and sure enough that was the hide. Another distinctive container too. Thanks for the cache.”
“A very appropriate container for Manchester and her canals – loved the milestone/boundary stone thingy nearby too, have never noticed that before!”
“Love the theme, enjoyed the walk down the canal. Thank you.”
“With the rest of the Tales From The Towpath series popping up yesterday, and the frustrating DNF that followed, was chuffed to see another new cache in the city centre! Thanks must go to the series COs for providing so much information for each one – and for this one in particular, never even knew the People’s History Museum existed despite living in Manchester for nearly 15 years. A nice quick find on a blustery autumnal day, was really pleased to see the blank log in another lovely little container “